
Saturday, May 11, 2013

End of the semester-ish.

This is the weekend of the third to last week of school. Lets just say that I did not really enjoy this semester as much as I could have. I will admit it. I have homework that was due weeks ago to finish this next week. I lost all motivation to do it. I am slowly getting it done now. At the end of the semester. Exactly what I did not want to do. I wanted to study my rear end off for the best grades possible. That did not last. I am going to take this as a major learning experience. I will try harder next time. I will do my best. I will not let doubt cross my mind and destroy a semester of school for me. Yeah, I am only at a junior college but still. It is part of my life that I need to focus more on. I want to have my A.A. in a couple of years. I won't have had amazing grades but I will have reached my goal of a degree if the Lord will allow me to finish before my children come along.

I work as a fill in at a preschool right now along with my part time job at a caramel company. I love both of my jobs! They are so fun. I really enjoy being able to have two totally different jobs. It is good to experience different work ethics and environments. I was playing with the kids outside today and was thinking about my future. When will I get to have children of my own? I know. I have to find the daddy of these kids first. But I really was putting in a lot of thought today. I love these little ones and am kinda sad when I have to leave at the end of my shift. I really love their sweet spirits and little voices. They are so cute and loving. One of them told me today when I was preparing lunch that me loved me. I was so touched by his words that I was taken  aback for a minute. He barely knows me and yet he loves me. I can't even begin to comprehend the love that  my Savoir and Heavenly Father have for me when they know me so much more than this little boy. It makes me wonder what kind of love other little kids and people have for me even if they know me from running into each other at the store or church. It is crazy to think about. I can't possibly imagine life without love. I was talking to a friend the other night, I asked what they would do for their last day on earth. I was happy to hear that they would spend their last day helping others and giving everything that they could while having fun and making memories for family and friends. It was so nice to hear what someone else had to say about the subject. I found it very comforting to know that there are people who care so much for others that they would spend their last day of life on this earth serving others.

I will be going to Sac for a lecture on real estate in the morning. The Property Brothers will be the ones speaking. I am excited to learn about real estate. Even if I don't get a job in that field it will still be helpful to know about that stuff. But now I need to hop off to bed now. I need to be up bright and early.


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